How Your Website And Mobile Load Speed Affect Ranking On Google

If your digital marketing efforts aren’t taking flight and your website is still behind in search results, site and mobile loading speed could be one of the factors affecting it. In 2018, Google announced the mobile load speed of a site as an important factor for ranking in the top search engine page results. A site that loads fast is critical for successful SEO marketing. People want relevant results quickly. According to stats, about 53% of the visitors to your site will leave immediately if the page takes more than 3 seconds to load. A loading delay of even 2 seconds can reduce conversions and increase abandonment by up to 87%.

To boost your SEO marketing, you need to know how the website and mobile load speed affect ranking. Keep reading for all the details.

What Is Site And Mobile Load Speed?

Website load speed has been a critical factor in page ranking on Google since 2010, but in 2018, mobile load speed was announced as another important SEO factor. Website or mobile load speed is not only about how fast a page loads. It is about providing the users with the best experience from the links ranked on the search pages.

Some websites may take more time to load completely, but a few important site factors, such as text and headings, may appear as soon as the visitor lands. This improves user experience and gives the rest of the site more time to load before the visitor leaves.

So, while there is a range of website and mobile load speeds that you should target, there is no one ideal speed.

Core Web Vitals And Page Speed Insights

Core web vitals give insights into the necessary factors for measuring the site load speed.

Along with the loading speed of all the pages on a site, visual stability and interactivity are critical factors too. Visual stability is whether the visual elements of your site, which are a part of your web design, move when the site loads. Interactivity is about the site’s responsiveness to the users and the overall user experience.

How Does Website And Mobile Load Speed Affect SEO Ranking?

When people land on a site, they are looking for some information or searching for something they think they might find on your site. Suppose they have to wait unnecessarily for your website to load, whether, on desktop or mobile, the visitor will leave for another site that loads faster and provides the same information more quickly. High conversion is the ultimate goal whether you provide digital marketing services or some other expertise.

So, loading speed is a big factor in ranking on Google.

High Conversion And Low Bounce Rate


The probability of a user leaving your site increases by 90% as the load time increases from 1 to 5 seconds. The faster your mobile and website load, the higher the chances of people staying and interacting, increasing conversion and reducing bounce rate.

What Affects Your Loading Speed?

Several factors affect loading speed, and your website design plays a big part in SEO ranking. The code that runs your site, hosting service, and file size are some of the factors. But the most important factors are your web design themes and elements on your site, such as images, videos, fonts, layout, etc.

You must ensure your web design is clean, works well, and loads quickly. This is only possible if you hire an expert website design agency. Gotta Web design is the solution you need. We offer you the best website design and development services to streamline your online store, site, virtual classroom, etc. We come at highly affordable rates. Visit our website for more details.

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